Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Laptop Repair And A Mini Heart Attack

Today is a quick tale that just happened, featuring me, my laptop and a mini heart attack.
I got a laptop from my sister earlier this year and never needed to use the cam or microphone until recently, upon trying to video call someone I found out it doesn't work. Doing what any self respecting tech does I finally decided to fix it.
Proceeding as normal I disassemble the laptop and find the culprit soon enough, the microphone cable has cleanly been shared through at the hinge of the laptop. While it was apart, I decided I would clean out the fan so it runs cooler, which means removing the LCD cable from the motherboard.
Upon soldering the microphone cable back together, I reassemble the laptop enough to test to make sure it is all working before putting it back together properly.
Laptop powers on, screen is dark and keyboard doesn't work, Cue my mini heart attack. So I use my phone torch to see if there is anything on the display, and there is, so powered off the laptop and reattached the keyboard hoping that I just hadn't plugged it in properly.
Test 2. Laptop powers on, screen still dark, keyboard now works, still having a mini heart attack I manage to log into windows to test the microphone which is also now working. Mission kinda accomplished.
New mission, isolate the screen problem of either a fried inverter or a pebkac issue. Disassemble laptop yet again, this time to the motherboard. Following the trouble shooting I learned back at school, is it plugged in, I unplugged and re-plugged the LCD and reconnected the power button. It's the moment of truth.
IT LIVES. After fully reassembling the laptop the first thing he does it his story here to make sure the laptop is working properly.
TLDR: Microphone doesn't work, Tech opens laptop to fix and doesn't plug everything back in properly causing him to have a mini heart attack.
Are you facing any problems with your laptop screen, motherboard & battery? feel free contact nearest laptop repairing shop in Pune. for online assistance call: 9860406079
To know more visit: www.esanyog.net

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